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Sami Mohammed Ali Bedawi-BEDAIWI Died

Posted by Editor

Egyptian Cartoonist Sami Mohammed Ali Bedawi-BEDAIWI Died...

Sami Badawi, also known as BEDAIWI, has passed away in 23/6/2009, after he was transferred to the hospital when he got a heart attach and died there.
Bedaiwi is an Egyptian cartoonist. He enriched "October cartoon magazine" with his strong political cartoons, which were mostly without any comments and relied only on the way they were drawn by.
Cartoonist Bedaiwi was discovered by the late cartoonist Hassan Hakem by introducing him on the pages of the first issue of Caricature magazine.
Also Bedaiwi was an active member of international FECO and the Egyptian Cartoonists Association. And he published many books and albums.
A quote from Bedaiwi: "The satire cartoon draws a smile even if it was for few moments, also it has the ability to enlighten the black side of the world which suffers from violence".We lost one of the foundation stones of the middle generation of the cartoonists.Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and may god bless his soul.


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